Active Membership

Earning the gold keys is a privilege, given only to the true concierge professional, one who is dedicated to delivering the highest level of service to their guests and their hotels. With global networking and continued education platforms, Les Clefs d’Or concierges can make anything possible.
For a concierge to be accepted as a member of Les Clefs d’Or Singapore, he or she must meet certain minimum requirements. The applicant must:
Be currently employed in a hotel of good standing
The applicant must be employed by the hotel. At the time of application, the prerequisite time frame to have been served in the Hotel lobby is to be five (5) years and the applicant is to be currently employed in the hotel industry as a Hotel Concierge.
Provide a Letter of recommendation from General Manager/ Hotel Manager/ Director of Rooms/ Front Office Manager.
Provide a full resume detailing personal details, education history, employment certificate, employment history & copies of relevant training.
A short write up of all the events for Les Clefs d'Or Singapore that you were involved in.
Provide an applicant Business Card
Provide 2 active members signature of the Society.
If you meet all the requirements above mentioned, kindly fill up the Application Form and submit via email to LCDSG.Secretariat@outlook.com .
Local Membership

Earning the Local Pin is a privilege, only for Selected Concierge that are non-members who shows involvement in Les Clefs d'Or Singapore. Membership approval by discretion of Executive Committee Members of Les Clefs d'Or Singapore.
For a Concierge to be accepted as a Local Member of Les Clefs d’Or Singapore, he or she must meet certain minimum requirements and submit the following documents:
Minimum requirements:
Be currently employed in a hotel of good standing
He or She must be involved in Les Clefs d'Or Singapore Events
Must be 21 years old and above
Applicant should have “Concierge” listed as their main job role in their hotel contract and also on their business card
List of Les Clefs d'Or Singapore events attended/organised and roles/reponsibilities
List of General Meetings attended
Please submit all documents mentioned above via email to LCDSG.Secretariat@outlook.com.
Business Affiliates

Companies whose products, services or establishments that has a minimum of three years successful trading in their business or field and are recommended or utilized by Les Clefs d’Or Concierges may apply for membership, provided the firm or company must be recommended by two Active Members.
For a Company to be accepted as a business affiliates of Les Clefs d’Or Singapore, he or she must meet certain minimum requirements. The company must:
Minimum of three years successful trading in their business or field
To provide a copy of original ACRA Business Profile
Recommended or utilized by Les Clefs d’Or Concierges
If you meet all the requirements above mentioned, kindly fill up the form and send an email to LCDSG.Secretariat@outlook.com.
Social Affiliates

Active Members who have left the Concierge profession but who still wish to stay connected with Les Clefs d’Or Singapore. Active members who have taken early retirement (before the recognized retirement age). They are connected with Les Clefs d’Or Singapore on an individual basis and not Les Clefs d’Or International.
If you meet all the requirements above mentioned, kindly fill up the form and send an email to LCDSG.Secretariat@outlook.com.
Professional Affiliates

Individuals whose products or services are recommended or utilized by Les Clefs d’Or Concierges, or Concierge professionals who do not meet the necessary membership requirements to qualify for Les Clefs d’Or membership but wish to connect with our organization, which may potentially include Cruise Ship Concierge, Executive Lounge, Lifestyle Concierge, Service Apartments Concierge etc. (all subject to approval by the Exco). They are affiliated to Les Clefs d’Or Singapore on an individual basis and not Les Clefs d’Or International.
If you meet all the requirements above mentioned, kindly fill up the form and send an email to LCDSG.Secretariat@outlook.com.